Tuesday 18 September 2012

Plasa 2012 - Trade show freeloading

Throughout my career as a shameless freeloader I have come to realise that some of the best places to acquire gratis goods are trade shows.
The token trinkets are often fairly dull, like branded pencils/pens, lanyards or keyrings.
But more exciting quarry can be had too as I found at this year’s Plasa event, held a couple of weeks ago at London’s Earl’s Court.
Stalls at Plasa, which is an exhibition of music equipment, concert rigging and other such stuff, were stacked with free bags and complimentary cookies.
Not very interesting you may think.  
And you’d be right.
But with a little research there is gold to be found amid the mud.
I found out that by attending two mind-meltingly dull demos at the show I could get a pair of £35 Sennheiser/Adidas earphones.
Prior to this the best freebies I’d snaffled had been free ice cream and a glass of Diet Coke.
But, as the afternoon wore on the big potatoes were wheeled out, namely a free bar.
As I quaffed glass after glass of free indeterminate lager with Jaegermeister chasers I inspected my (obviously branded) bag of goodies.
The haul included, four lanyards, a car air freshener, a pencil, a pen, two bags, the aforementioned earphones and, bizarrely, a packet of Cadbury’s Chocolate Buttons.
As I sat there I silently toasted another successful freeloading expedition – cheers!