Saturday 20 October 2012

My MesmerEyez Halloween horror story

The fundamental tenets of this blog are and always will be freeloading and honesty.

With that in mind I can tell you that I managed to freeload some MesmerEyez contact lenses and that I didn't think they were very good.

I wanted this post to be a 'Hey, are you stuck for Halloween ideas? Try these' kind of caper.

But, after spending an increasingly frustrating 20 minutes trying to append the 'Xtreme Twilight' three-month disposable contacts to my eyeballs, I was forced to give up.

At this juncture it would probably be a good idea to state that I do not wear contact lenses.
But, I have worn novelty Halloween contact lenses before, and I found them a lot easier to install than these flimsy examples.

Also, presumably MesmerEyez is targeting these at other non-contactoids too.

I must admit that the designs themselves are stunning and was mightily disappointed not to be able to goggle at my own werewolfed or zombiefied reflection.

The packaging (for what it's worth) is also a very eye-catching and attractive black/gold combo.
But I suppose the adage that all that glitters is is not gold applies here.

If anyone else has better luck with these, please let me know or comment below.
To get the lenses go to
  • Do you have something I can freeload? Email me: