Saturday 30 March 2013

Yorkshire Gold teabags

By ‘eck, ‘appen I’ve only bin sent 80 teabags from the reet nice folks at Yorkshire Tea.
Yes, it is true, last week Freeloader House took delivery of a consignment of Taylors of Harrogate’s finest – Yorkshire Gold.
And what a cuppa it is, but I’ll come to that in good time, consider the next few paragraphs as a metaphorical bag-brewing.
Firstly the packaging transports one to a world of rolling hills, playful sheep and dry-stone walls, flinty folk drinking ale, and obviously tea, and if one cocks one’s ear in a particular direction; the sound of leather on willow wisps on the wind, as another hardy gentlemen thwacks a six over the bowler’s head.
It is like Emmerdale, but with all sexual deviancy taken out.
Or like Midsomer Murders minus the murders – a Hobbit-like realm of simplicity and joy.
Ah, I think our metaphorical teabag has been submerged long enough.
The dark reddish liquid in my mug is now begging, gasping for the last ingredient – milk – I don’t take sugar, as I’m sweet enough.
I add a small amount of semi-skimmed to the cup and after stirring am left with a fine, balanced and beautifully-brewed mug of nut-brown tea.
And the complex rich cuppa certainly hit the spot, I had it with a nice slice of ginger cake… here’s to the other 79 bags!