Monday 23 July 2012

Hugo is the Boss of pretty puny freebies!

Usually I like to use this site to wax lyrical about some fabulous freebie I've managed to blag through my capacity as the most shameless of freeloaders.
But, on this occasion I have to be slightly critical.
Great though it is to get unsolicited freebies, I really must protest at the frankly skinflintedness of one of the world's leading scent manufacturers.
Sadly not actual size!
 Forgive me for biting a hand that is feeding me, but a postcard with Orlando Bloom on it (good thing he was labelled as I'd not have recognised his grinning visage without him badly attempting to shoot a bow and arrow), with 0.075ml (0.0025 fl oz) of aftershave appended to it, does not a good freebie make!
I could barely do that wrist-rubbing thing with this drop of pungent parfum!
Although, judging by the postmark, perhaps Hugo exhausted his marketing budget by mailing this particular Bloom-a-gram from Hong Kong.
This is to date the worst freebie I've received, but oddly, in it's sheer triviality it occupies a fond place in my own pantheon of pointlessness.
If anyone from Hugo Boss is reading this and would like me to seriously review your products, obviously in exchange for more than a postage stamp-sized portion, please get in touch:

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