Wednesday 5 December 2012

Finlandia grapefruit vodka

Anyone who knows me, which may well be a fairly limited list of close confidantes considering my cloak of anonymity, will know that I’m partial to a drop of booze from time to time.
And so it is my gleeful duty to report that those nice people at Finlandia despatched a 35cl bottle of smooth grapefruit vodka to Freeloader House.
I stored the liquor in the freezer and decided to try it both neat over ice as those crazy Finns would neck it, plus I was told it went well with cranberry juice so tried it that way too.

  1. Neat: Strong, smooth and satisfying… a real winter warmer.
  2. With cranberry juice: Multi-layered, complex and refreshing.
Having tried grapefruit vodka both ways I have to say I preferred it neat.
I was transported to one of those ice bars, and in my mind’s eye could see polar bears wandering on a giant glacier mint and igloos on an ice flat, although maybe that was the vodka

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