Saturday 7 January 2012

YAZOO chocolate milk

A parcel marked 'Medical Examination Gloves' arrived at Freeloader House this week.
Was this an errant delivery to a nearby proctologist, or a mistaken dispatch to an over eager customs official who likes to take his work home?
Thankfully, neither.
To my relief and delight the hitherto suspect package was revealed to be what Del Boy would call, a 'job lot', of a popular milk drink, from those nice people at YAZOO.
I had managed to successfully blag some free stuff from them.
The YAZOO milkmeisters are the ones who saw what was emerging from an udder, and thought to themselves 'there's room for improvement'.
And how they've improved the white stuff... it's no longer white for a start.
What I received was a blend of milk and chocolate, a combo I think can be most accurately described as 'chocolate milk', not least to avoid any mix-ups with the already well known 'milk chocolate'. 
Anyway, having always been a fan of such fusion cuisine I was eager to gulp down its calcium rich goodness. 
So good in fact that YAZOO is: "One of the few flavoured milk drinks that meets the tough UK Government regulations for use in England and Wales schools." 
Grasping the satisfyingly sized and funkily designed bottle I almost forgot the most important thing...

Shake. The. Bottle. 

This vital piece of advice was delivered by a YAZOO spokeswoman in such grave terms that it sounded positively sacriligious to miss this stage.
She had told me: "We would ask that you consume the YAZOO after giving it a thoroughly good shake  and ensuring it has been chilled, though, believe us, this will definitely enhance your drinking pleasure!"
As it turned out she was spot-on.
The beverage was milky and chocolatey as you may have guessed.
Thick and wholesome, I'd absolutely recommend YAZOO.
Who ever thought boring old milk could taste this good?

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1 comment:

  1. Read my other posts here:
